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Posts tagged as “region”

Off the Record (March 17, 2021)

JUDGE BRENNAN has recused himself from the Caspar dog shooter case. Judge Moorman is now in charge of the grisly matter that managed to outrage animal lovers as far away as England. Brennan has apparently…

Stranger Mendo Things

Strange doings down in the County Seat recently. Let me amend that lead. Stranger doings than usual down in the County Seat recently. While we could look at any number of issues, I’ll confine our…

County Notes (March 10, 2021)

The Disaster Money Disaster The long-awaited discussion of what to do with the nearly $22.7 million that Mendo will get from the PG&E Fire Disaster Settlement Funds appears on next Tuesday’s Supervisors agenda. Under consideration…

Off the Record (March 10, 2021)

THE RE-DO of Ukiah's unplanned, chaotic State Street these days seems like some kind of a grand, unending practical joke, and it's not going to work when, if ever, it's complete. Narrowing the street to…

County Notes (March 3, 2021)

CEO Steers Law Enforcement Funding To Teen Court, aka Guess Who? An obscure grant application became a veiled source of controversy on Tuesday when Sheriff Matt Kendall took to “public expression” at the beginning of…

Off the Record (March 3, 2021)

MOST PLACES the following would be considered news. Not in Mendo, with the exception of the Boonville and Laytonville weeklies: Closed Session Item 9c: Report out of Closed Session Tuesday, February 23, 2021, by County…

McGuire’s Gravy Trail

In the huge, multi-million dollar study which McGuire’s Great Redwood Trail 2018 bill commissioned which was to be completed by last summer (it was), we found these interesting paragraphs: “Following an open bidding process, NCRA’s…

Laytonville Council To Supes: 10% Pot Rule Bad

As discussed here last week, County officials have now decided to expand pot cultivation effectively removing all caps on pot and open up rangeland to growing weed, despite opposition from the Sheriff, small cannabis farmers,…

NCRA Board Votes to Railbank the Line from Willits to Samoa

Early in Thursday night’s Zoom-enabled town hall meeting to discuss the Great Redwood Trail, State Senator Mike McGuire asked everyone in his remote audience to close their eyes and imagine. “Imagine a strip of land,”…
