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Posts tagged as “region”

A Mayoral ‘Prince’ Accused Of Sex Abuse

The front-page shockers began in early April and just kept coming: A young mayor from the San Francisco Bay’s wine country had been accused of sexually abusing and assaulting women. First there were four accusers.…

CEO Angelo’s Best Interest

At the December 2019 Measure B meeting, B's then-board chair Dr. Ace Barash, on staff at Adventist-owned Howard Hospital in Willits, read a letter the County had received from the Adventists’ Mendo honcho, Jason Wells,…

The 10% Expansion Rule

At its meeting on Wednesday, June 2, the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors approved the proposed Phase 3 Cannabis which includes the controversial 10 percent Expansion Rule that allows cultivation to occur on 10 percent…

Off the Record (June 9, 2021)

BIDEN honored the nation's war dead on Memorial Day by taking part in a ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery, where he said Americans have long fought for “rule…

Referendum On the Way

Irony of all ironies: California’s Grand Experiment With Weed Legalization where everyone — growers, state and local governments, and One-Percenter investors — just knew they were going to get RICH, are now, thanks to Gov.…

Drought Notes

Will Potter Valley grapes and pasture get all the remaining Russian River water? The Potter Valley Irrigation District was in the news last week when the Ukiah Daily Journal's Karen Rifkin wrote about the disappearance…

Off the Record (June 2, 2021)

THE MEDIA are never more shameless than in the aftermath of a mass shooting. The Bay Area stations have presented pretty much the same info for 48 hours now, but were a full day behind…

Fort Bragg Notes (May 26, 2021)

CHAIN STORES — Monday evening, the Fort Bragg City Council considered extending its moratorium on formula businesses in the "inland zone" - basically the part of town not in the Coastal Zone, where development often…
