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Posts tagged as “region”

Valley People (July 13, 2022)

SCOTT SALO is the dozer operator badly injured Friday off Flynn Creek Road. We don't yet have an update on his condition. The accident knocked out power in the Comptche area for two hours. PG&E…

AV Health Center Capital Campaign Goes Public

Many Advertiser readers know the Health Center Capital Campaign “Heartbeat of The Valley” raising monies to expand the facility’s offices has moved from the “silent” to the open phase. Last month the whole community received…

Train Wreck at MCN

Late last Friday afternoon MUSD put out the a notice of a special school board meeting with a one line description of the meeting’s topic: “Special MUSD school board meeting next week July 7th at…

County Notes: Mendo Vacancy Miscellany

Interim CEO Darcie Antle’s June CEO report has a small section on Human Resources. Given Mendo’s tight, personnel dependent budget situation, its high vacancy rates, its relatively high turnover, etc., you might expect Human Resources…

Off the Record (July 6, 2022)

THE PRESS DEMOCRAT wondered last week, “Toxic coal train’ proposal now stalled on North Coast; was it ever a real project?” NO, it wasn't. Ditto for McGuire's Great Redwood Trail scam, and its foundational scam…

Valley People (July 6, 2022)

PG&E WILL TURN OFF the power overnight this Thursday, July 7, 10pm until Friday July 8th, 6am. Perhaps too late for this week’s paper-paper but in case you were wondering…. A FIRE CALL at 4:22…

Hospice Services Expanding in Mendocino County

Hospice is a program designed to provide the special care needed for someone at the end of life. We often think of this for patients with advanced cancer, however, it can be helpful for anyone…

Bringing Back the Buckhorn

Covelo’s Buckhorn Bar has been the community watering hole for generations. A dive bar smack dab in the middle of Indian Country, the Buckhorn’s Old West saloon reputation is coupled with the generations of Round…

Can Mendo Afford County Counsel Curtis?

Today we add to the Major’s Major Failures and Screw Ups by the Board of Supervisors the Board’s gifting of a huge pay increase to County Counsel Christian Curtis. Curtis is now the highest paid…
