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Posts tagged as “region”

The Eel River’s Salmon Surge

The Eel River Recovery Project (ERRP) has documented what it calls “the salmon run of a lifetime” in the lower Eel River, counting over 10,000 Chinook salmon drawn upstream as rainfall boosted flows. About 5,000…

Why Is Privatization Bad For State Parks?

It is important to note that privatization initiatives are NOT restricted to turning operations of parks over to for profit companies. Privatization also occurs whenever park fees (such as parking, day use, camping, boat launch…

State Parks Crisis: Tricks & No Treats

First, an apology: At the end of a heated exchange with California State Parks Foundation President, Elizabeth Goldstein, I said under my breath, “I’ll get you.” I should have realized that the phone connection was…

Sports Notes

The SF Giants defeated the Cincinnati Reds, 3-2 in the Divisional 5 game series last week. Interestingly, the Giants lost the first two games at home and then won all three games on the road.…

Old Home Week At The NORML Confab

Trim, white-haired Tom Hayden gave a talk at the NORML conference in Los Angeles last week. NORML is the National Organization to Reform the Marijuana Laws. It was founded in 1970 by Keith Stroup, who…

The Struggles Of Local Sacred Sites

It was 520 years ago this week that a lost Italian seaman flying the Spanish flag washed ashore on the Bahama Islands, three-quarters of a world away from where he thought he was, and became…

Greenwashing Forest Destruction

The forests of the world are in deep trouble. One especially sobering illustration is as follows. 1970 is commonly cited (erroneously) as the year environmental movement was born. Yet, according to the World Wildlife Fund,…

What Multi-Nationals Don’t Want You To Know About GMOs

Shouldn’t we all have the right to make informed decisions about the foods we may wish -- or, more significantly, not wish -- to consume? The US is one of the only industrialized nations that…

Weeds Fight Back

They're coming back. Armed with cactus-like spines, battle axes, sending their weapons long-range to drift in the autumn winds, the weeds are reclaiming fields of soybeans, corn, and cotton, reclaiming fields they've been exterminated from…
