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Posts tagged as “region”

Starving For Change

In the past few days, in the largest prison protest in California’s history, nearly 30,000 inmates have gone on hunger strike in the country’s largest prison system. Such near-insurrections are not unusual in America’s prison-industrial complex.

River Views

Just when the San Francisco Giants looked as dead in the baseball water as their one-time ace Tim Lincecum, little Timmy turned the tables by throwing a no-hitter last Saturday night. Though the 9-0 score…

HumCo & The Eel

In a letter that calls for “community action in a time of extreme need,” county supervisors are supporting a state grant funding request from the Eel River Recovery Project. The condition of the Eel River…

Last Heard From Near ‘Murder Mountain’

When Garret Rodriguez drove north from Ocean Beach in late December 2012, he sat behind the wheel of his newly purchased 1998 Dodge Ram four-wheel drive pickup. He and two friends had left their marijuana…

Squirrels & Snakes & Venom: Oh My!

Nearly everyone in Mendocino County has encountered a rattlesnake. Though bites are rare, California's Northern Pacific Rattlesnake is worthy of healthy respect and is the subject of much misinformation. Identifying the Pacific Rattlesnake is challenging,…

The Mad Bomber Of Ukiah

In a Sacramento coffee shop, I was greeted by the joyous visage of Judi Bari, fist raised at some long-ago rally, with the bold question "Who Bombed Judi Bari?" printed across the flyer.

You Can Shove Your Wars!

“Black Watch,” the ‘Five Star’ Scottish military play that has been touted in expensive ads all over the Bay Area as “The #1 Theatrical Event of the Year,” (New York Times) delivered a powerful anti-war…

The Alarming State Of Rural Internet

Rural Californians Internet needs are largely ignored by major carriers, which focus on high-density population centers, according to the Broadband Alliance of Mendocino County and Access Sonoma Broadband.

River Views

We’re only a year removed from Matt Cain’s perfect game. Certainly legions of Giants fans would say this was the finest performance ever by a major league pitcher. Older aficionados with a sense of the…
