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Posts tagged as “region”

Wayward Press Clips

A front-page article in the New York Times Oct. 27,  headlined “Few Problems With Cannabis for Cali­fornia” takes a common-sense, macro-level look at what 17 years of medical use hath wrought in the Golden State.…

North To Alaska

After two weeks spent exploring the northlands I think the funniest thing I saw was a bumper sticker that said “I drove the Alaska Marine Highway!” Why funny? The Alaska Marine Highway is a ferry…

A Granger Down Under

I just returned from the California State Grange Convention in Sebastopol Grange last weekend. The state Grange is definitely on the rise even in the strange adversity from its National affiliation. A vigorous collection of…

The Lincolns Are Leaving Us

Del Berg, of Tuolumne County, is the last known member of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, one of the nearly 3,000 Americans who volunteered to fight fascism in Spain in the opening years of World War II.

Manson: The Life & Delusions

More than one friend, when told I was reading the “definitive” new biography of Charles Manson, said “Why would anybody want to read that?” It's a reasonable question. The Manson murders, almost 45 years ago,…

Sports Notes

The San Francisco 49ers are being overly cautious this season. GM Trent Baalke may be getting into Coach Jim Harbaugh’s head too much. It seems that management wants to take the legs away from the…

The Big Business Lobby Behind BART Management

In July, Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) workers went on strike for four and a half days resisting the concessions demanded by the District's management. After a 60-day cooling off period implemented by the Governor,…

River Views

It is raining on a Sunday in September. Major league baseball’s regular season must be over. Your San Francisco Giants didn’t fall all the way from World Series winner to last place, though they occupied…

Exploring Garberville’s Transient Problem

Following a Sheriff’s Office-escorted tour of Garberville’s transient camps and hangouts, Southern Humboldt Supervisor Estelle Fennell has reported that an effort to launch police foot patrols is underway. Fennell toured the Garberville area’s streets and…
