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Posts tagged as “region”

Conduct Unbecoming…

Susan Keegan was found dead in her Ukiah home more than three years ago. Her husband, Dr. Peter Keegan, was the only other person in the home when Mrs. Keegan died. The death certificate reads…

Off The Record (Feb 4, 2014)

CONGRESSMAN HUFFMAN visited Boonville High School a couple of weeks ago. No, it has not yet been declared a crime scene. I wonder, though, what the captive, photo-opted students made out of it?

Willits Photographer Sues CalTrans, CHP

An unlimited civil claim was filed this month against CalTrans and the California Highway Patrol for actions leading up to and including the arrest in July of ‘The Willits News' photographer Steve Eberhard. Eberhard was arrested while attempting to photograph Willits bypass protesters.

HumCo Considers Homeless “Villages”

Humboldt County supervisors are looking at the possibility of establishing a shelter village for homeless people but they expect churches and community groups to be the main organizers. The potential of expanding the county’s homeless…

Double & Triple Jeopardy

You can’t be tried twice for the same crime in this fine, fair country of ours, the envy of the world for its just legal system. Unless. Unless you're Matthew Graves. Although Graves had been…

The Squatter

Alf and Mary Rose of Point Arena have a son named Joey. He was raised fishing off Point Arena Pier while his mother owned and operated the kitchen store at Arena Cove. Joey's dad is…

Googling The Nice People

Theft. It’s the world’s second oldest profession. Some use force. Others cunning. Where the pickings are easy. Like your local charity. Who’d do such a thing? The nice people.

Off The Record (Jan 28, 2014)

Will Parrish’s attorney, Omar Figueroa of Sebastopol, made the following remarks last Thursday on the Ukiah Courthouse steps after the onerous charges against AVA reporter Will Parrish were reduced in a settlement between District Attorney David Eyster, the Court, and defendant Parrish.
