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Posts tagged as “region”

Archeological Site Known to CalTrans Damaged Again

In the latest bad news for Indigenous people whose cultural resources have been horribly impacted by CalTrans' Willits Bypass, Big Orange's construction crews have damaged another known archeological site. The incident took place on June…

Appearances Are Reality

Earlier this month, the Mendocino County Grand Jury  documented what they called “An Appearance of a Conflict of Interest in the adoption of the Mental Health Privatization contract.” “The 2013-2014 Grand Jury recommends that the…

Simpson Lane Chivalry

Bryan Kann was so amped on methamphetamine that it would be whole days and many lost nights before he could sleep. And there was nothing at all to do but bounce endlessly around the house, waiting for whatever tweekers wait for. At 3am, Kann found something to do.

Off the Record (June 18, 2014)

COUNTY CEO Carmel Angelo has included a $45,000 remodeling project at the County Jail in the 2014-15 county budget. The re-do will house a dog grooming vocational program for female inmates: Allman: As we know…

HumCo Struggles to Maintain Services

Humboldt County is proposing what’s been described as a down-to-the-bone budget with a $2.7 million deficit and unless new revenue sources emerge, the situation will get worse in future years. The Board of Supervisors fielded…

The $379 Million Valley Trails Project

For years the Valley Trail Initiative group has promoted the idea of a bike trail for Anderson Valley. Their efforts indeed received a major boost when Caltrans provided a $135,000 grant to conduct a “feasibility…

Off The Record (June 11, 2014)

BIG TROUBLE IN COVELO seems to be heading in the ominous direction of a revival of the Lincoln-Britton Feud of 1995. That one resulted in three shooting deaths, one of the fatalities famously being Mendocino…

Scary Story Deuce

All the defense had to do was stipulate, a fancy word for 'admit,' to the prior DUIs in the Joan Rainville case and make the prosecution prove Rainville had assaulted two unharmed persons, neither of…
