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Posts tagged as “region”

Dredges From A Reporter’s Notebook

Slow week at the County Courthouse last week. In recent years we’ve had some riveting murder trials in the summertime, but this year, so far, the most sensational murder, that of a prominent physician’s wife,…

Jared Huffman: CalTrans Errand Boy

Last week, the US Congressional representative for California's North Coast, a former Natural Resources Defense Council attorney named Jared Huffman, threw the full weight of his legislative power behind the most environmentally destructive project in the recent history of Mendocino County, the California Department of Transportation's Willits Bypass. This more than $300 million project, as presently designed, requires the largest filling in of wetlands in northern California in more than 50 years.

Off the Record (July 16, 2014)

COUNTY AUDITOR Meredith Ford’s proposal to hire herself as an “extra-help” trainer for her replacement, Assistant Auditor Lloyd Weer at $440 per day was approved unanimously without discussion at last Tuesday’s Board of Supervisor's meeting.…

Huffman’s Trespass Grow Forum

The vexing problem of trespass marijuana grows was probed at a forum convened by North Coast Congressman Jared Huffman, who emphasized the need for collaboration between police and wildlife agencies and local, state and federal…

Mendo Mental Health Is Nuts

What's even more shady than the “appearance” of a conflict of interest solidly documented by the recent Grand Jury report on the County's mental health privatization? The  ongoing conflict of interest by former Ortner Employee…

Off the Record (July 9, 2014)

ED KOWAS is gone, dead of a heart attack at 73. His talk show on KMFB out of Mendocino was a must-listen for years, and continued to be a must-listen after Ed returned to the…

Another One

Another wifebeater was in court this week. There seem to be armies of them out there. Used to be the woman's male relatives took care of the beater. Anymore, it's one more unhappy task for…

Willits Bypass Project to Go Into Suspension

On June 20, 2014, the US Army Corps of Engineers suspended Caltrans’ permit to construct the Willits Bypass Project. The costs to keep contractor crews on standby and other delay costs have added an estimated $800,000 to the Willits Bypass Project from June 20 through July 7, and are accumulating at about $100,000 per day. Due to these costs, Caltrans has notified our contractors that we intend to suspend work effective July 8 at the end of the day’s work until the Corps’ permit suspension is lifted.
