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Posts tagged as “region”

Chief Mayberry’s Resignation

There were 70 or more supporters of Scott Mayberry in the audience August 11th when Mayor Dave Turner asked for a show of hands at the outset of the meeting (another ten or so were there with concerns about water rates). The size of the crowd was impressive, considering many City Council meetings are sparsely attended at best. The Wow factor hit about 18 minutes in when Roberta Mayberry stepped to the podium. She is the wife of the police chief. At first Mrs. Mayberry turned her back to the City Council and city staff, directing her opening remarks to the crowd. Then she faced City Manager Linda Ruffing and her chief assistant, Ginny Feth-Michel, asking them “to maybe pay attention when people are speaking.”

Off the Record (Aug 20, 2014)

DA EYSTER could teach Gandhi a few things about passive resistance. An occasional rumor wafts out of the DA's office that the prosecution of Dr. Peter Keegan for the murder of his wife, Susan, “remains…

Ivan The Terrible — Or Ivan The Not So Terrible

“If there’s any reasonable doubt, you must find my client not guilty,” Ivan Sanchez’s Santa Rosa lawyer told the jury at the end of Sanchez's trial last week. Mr. Gabriel Quinnan said, “And the alleged…

Grape Growers Congratulate Each Other

Back in 2009 the Grape People realized they needed to do something to counter the relatively small amount of negative publicity they were getting, particularly around water use and fish strandings caused by overpumping during…

Off the Record (Aug 13, 2014)

A MICRO-ORGANISM called the hemp broadmite is chewing up pot plants in many areas of the county at a rate that has growers terrified. Entire gardens are being devoured by the thing. The rest of us should be uneasy, too, because panicked pot planters are turning to the most vile pesticides available to combat the broadmite although a safe organic alternative called 'Nuke 'em' is locally available.

Ford Bros In The Park

Ford Blues Band to Play Final Sundays in the Park Concert this Sunday Ukiah, CA. - This Sunday, August 17th in Todd Grove Park at 6:00pm Fowler Auto & Truck Center, The City of Ukiah,…
