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Posts tagged as “region”

Pint Arena’s New City Manager

Last week I visited Point Arena City Hall because the new City Manager and secretary weren’t answering their phones. I asked for a few chapters out of the City’s Muni-Code, and had a few more…

Off the Record (Dec 30, 2014)

WHAT WOULD VERN have done? The Fort Bragg basketball tourney is named after the late Vern Piver who, for many years, dedicated himself to youth sports, and when I invoke the overused and often misapplied…

Anatomy of a CHP Pot Bust

On August 8, 2014 at approximately 9:25 AM I was traveling northbound on US 101 north of Lake Mendocino Drive in the number two lane. I was driving a fully marked California Highway Patrol vehicle.

Resolution Honoring Supervisor John Pinches

Supervisor Pinches has been an outstanding Supervisor who has always put the interests of Mendocino County and its residents first and who has been open to all points of view.

Old and In The Way

Last week Yuta Sakane was held to answer on charges of vandalism — crimes he committed the day before Thanksgiving against his own parents. Respect for one’s elders has long-since been jostled aside by youth…

Off the Record (Dec 23, 2014)

WE DOVE DEEP the other afternoon in an impromptu office discussion about torture. A friend said she thought people everywhere were getting worse, especially American people. The rest of us said versions of.... While we…

Block Freeway Report

We marched from downtown Berkeley down University Avenue towards the Bay. At the extended entry ramp to the Eastshore freeway from University Avenue we were met for at least the third night in a row by at least 100 Berkeley Police in full on stormtrooper riot gear. This night the march on University to block the freeway seemed closer to 3,000 which was more than any other night. Perhaps due to a critical mass of sheer numbers the people collectively figured out we should make a quick left on sixth street in front of the police blockade and then a quick right toward the footbridge at aquatic park that goes over the Eastshore Freeway.

California’s Dammed Fish

A few weeks ago, I assessed the possibility of a massive 2015 fish kill in the Trinity and Klamath Rivers (“Impending Fish Catastrophe On the Klamath-Trinity”) owing to drought-induced lack of cold water storage in…
