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Posts tagged as “region”

The Wellness Center, Pros & Cons

The approval of a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for the purchase of the Old Coast Hotel as a centralized mental health services site as well as a location for five transitional housing units wasn't…

Untasty Pudding

If you attend enough Council, Board, or Committee meetings and witness enough members of the public going off the deep end of this issue or that, then you might just develop an ounce of compassionate…

It Takes All Kinds

The title may be trite, but in Mendocino County during harvest time, cliché or not, we get ‘em all — and when it comes to the stupendously vaulting sense of entitlement we often see among…

Off the Record (Feb 4, 2105)

MERC, HERC and we're probably ferked, but the Mendocino Redwood Company's hotly disputed timber harvest plans for the Comptche-Albion areas are heating up some more. CalFire's comment line, assuming you can negotiate CalFire's nearly impenetrable…

A Simple Lot Split

You might think that an ordinary lot split proposal in Yorkville wouldn't require too much in the way of furrowed brows from our Board of Supervisors, but this is Mendocino County and nothing is as…

Whippits & Highway Death

When a courthouse hack complains of a slow news week, it doesn’t mean nothing important happened. What it means is that all the drama that makes interesting reading happened behind the scenes. It means trials…

Off the Record (Jan 28, 2015)

THE WILLITS BYPASS is already falling down. The collapse last Thursday (22 January) of a section of the framing for the Willits Bypass concrete pour, will undoubtedly grow into a bigger problem than it already…
