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Posts tagged as “region”

Going Dry Fast (Part 2)

For years, wine industry leaders have opposed regulation on the grounds that it is burdensome and of questionable value. California agribusiness representatives have consistently maintained that they can manage their properties in an environmentally responsible manner without the need for government oversight. In the case of the wine industry, the leading edge of this effort is a marketing and certification initiative called “fish friendly farming” which has certified 100,000 acres of vineyards, including a majority of those that suckle at the banks of the Russian River.

Off the Record (Sep 9, 2015)

KC MEADOWS' SUNDAY editorial in the Ukiah Daily Journal, reprinted here, chastised Supervisor Woodhouse for his faux sincerity, his constant claim that he's new at the job and wants to learn. He's almost a year in the job and there's not that much to learn. It was highly disingenuous of Woodhouse, for instance, to raise the correct questions about the Ortner contract for mental health services then not join Supervisors McCowen and Gjerde in voting against renewal of the County's contract with Ortner. As Meadows points out, smarm may work in real estate sales but it's insulting at the local level of government.

Going Dry Fast (Part 1)

Roughly 1,000 rural Sonoma County residents overflowed classrooms and small meeting chambers at five informational sessions convened by the State Water Resources Control Board. It would be hard to exaggerate many attendees' outrage. At one meeting, two men got in a fistfight over whether to be “respectful” to the state and federal officials on hand.

Boonville’s Fiery Fourth

Juan Alarcon and his wife went to the brewery in Boonville to celebrate the Fourth of July at the beer bar. Mr. Alarcon works at the Boonville Brewery and drinks the beer he helps make…

Off the Record (Sep 2, 2015)

A FORT BRAGG READER WRITES of the late Janice Owings that “she was the best example or could have served as “poster child” for people who are unable or unwilling to care for themselves. Her…

Coast Hospital Rifts Widen

There is a distinct rift within the Board of Directors of Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH). The divide between new physician board members William Rohr and Peter Glusker and holdovers Tom Birdsell and Board Chair…

Bang-Bang Maybe You’re Dead

It’s not just cops who can confuse real guns with toys, and last week a crafty defense lawyer used a toy gun to get serious gun charges against his client thrown out of court. On…

Off the Record (Aug 26, 2015)

ELEVEN BLACK WOMEN were kicked off the Napa Valley Wine Train on Saturday for enjoying themselves. The specific charge was that they were too loud. Accounts of the episode are flooding social media. WINE TRAIN…

Growers Get Ready

Local cannabis farmers received some expert advice Aug. 15 from Samantha Miller, president and chief chemist of Pure Analytics testing laboratory in Santa Rosa, and Casey O’Neill, chair of the board of the Emerald Growers Association…
