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Posts tagged as “region”

Off the Record (Nov. 30, 2016)

WHAT TO DO ABOUT WOODHOUSE. We wrote last week that the Woodhouse family's attorney, Chris Neary of Willits, seems to be implying that someone, possibly the County, is poised to take action against Woodhouse. But…

Meanwhile In Fort Bragg

I was unable to personally attend the Fort Bragg city council meeting Monday and I missed a hell of a show. Those who follow the city council know that David Gurney, in the face of…

Patricide In Laytonville

Jewel Evern Dyer — finally cornered after attempting to elude trial as a nutcase — at last went through the first step in the direction of justice for killing his stepfather with a baseball bat.…

Off the Record (Nov. 23, 2016)

A READER WRITES: “I am in a flurry of reading, trying to understand my fellow 'mericans and what has precipitated The Donald. I know you are busy, and I know you loathe Hillary, as do…

When Hill Muffins Fall Out

Last Tuesday (election day), a pot trial got underway featuring some of the area’s most noted growers, activists and Deadhead celebrities were mentioned in open court — names like Wavy Gravy, Steve Parrish, David Nelson…

Staying Warm

I was asked a few years ago to inspect a vineyard just outside of Geyserville. I used to get these requests often, and this was not a large vineyard, so no problem. When I arrived…

Hospitality House Woes

As part of a column in September I wrote the following: “For years the Board and employees of [Mendocino Coast] Hospitality Center have demonstrated an inability to simply manage the delivery of food dispersed at…

Off the Record (Nov. 16, 2016)

MENDO COUNTY is dispatching eco-activists for North Dakota and the Standing Rock pipeline protests. One group left Ukiah on Saturday but is stranded in the literary town of Livingston, MT because their truck hit a…

Who Poisoned My Grapes?

If you travel the Highway 101 corridor or as I do you see the remnants of the great transporter of the 20th century: the Northwestern Pacific Railroad line. I think there is still a trestle…
