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Posts tagged as “region”

Stuart Bewley’s Outlaw Grows

Chris Brennan first learned about the proliferation of marijuana cultivation sites on Stuart Bewley's 14,000-acre Adanac Ranch this past July when he fielded a phone call from then-Third District Supervisor Tom Woodhouse. The erstwhile real…


Carlos Gutierrez was charged with negligent discharge of a firearm, even though it was the first day of hunting season and Mr. Gutierrez was way up in the National Forest. If a firearm is negligently…

Off The Record (Feb, 8, 2017)

AFTER YEARS of tax-free income while proclaiming marijuana’s miracle properties and all-round groove-o centrality to life in Mendocino County, a small group of persons who can justly be called ingrates are about to sue Mendocino…

‘Downtown Watch’

A large fir has uprooted and fallen across the footbridge directly in front of the Russian Gulch waterfall. For me that's the biggest takeaway in a week filled with Fort Bragg City Council, Mendocino Coast…

Fort Bragg ‘Mummy’ Case Goes To Court

At a preliminary hearing in Ten Mile Superior Court on Monday, January 30th, caregiver Lori Fiorentino was bound over for trial by visiting Judge Eric Labowitz on a single count of violating California Penal Code 368…

Loaded For Bear

The prelim for Eugene ‘Bear’ Lincoln and his sister Sonia Lincoln began last week and ended severed, like a live worm, both ends wriggling inconclusively on the conscience of the court. Google maps of Covelo…

Off the Record (Feb. 1, 2017)

CARL SHAPIRO, the ultimate public defender, has died at his home in Fairfax. Carl was 100, and lucid to the very end, lucid enough to laugh at being sent home from Kaiser Hospital because “We’re…

Mendo’s Murky Pot Rules (Part 2)

We're still trying to figure out what Mendo’s new "medical" pot regulation really means for Mendocino County.
