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Posts tagged as “region”

Pete Hoyle’s Expert Opinion

The second jury trial, the re-trial, of Tina Carrillo ended mid-week with a swift and sure guilty verdict, much to the relief of Deputy DA Caitlin Keane, who was beginning to doubt the sanity of…

Off the Record (May 17, 2017)

GEORGEANN CROSKEY has been appointed by Governor Brown to fill the 3rd District Supervisor's seat vacated by Tom Woodhouse when Woodhouse, who’d stopped showing up for meetings in August of 2015, was forced to resign…

Puppy Love

The popular soap opera on South State starring the dashing Zebulon Zale Couthern and co-starring Mandy Etta Grinsell has entered its 27th season to much applause of the canned type. Judge Richard Henderson, one of…

Sonoma Clean Power Play

What if the revolution came, and we missed it because we tossed out the announcement? Seems like that’s what happened last month, when PG&E customers in Mendocino County got word that the utility no longer…

Bud & Breakfast

Yes, marijuana inns furrowed the burdened brows of County leadership last week: “Mendocino County Board of Supervisors Cannabis Workshop, Tuesday, May 2, 2017.” Er, what’s a marijuana inn? It’s a B&B but instead of ceramic…

Rickel In A Pickle

When a farmer straps on a gunbelt to go out and do his morning chores, you know he is either in a western horse opera, or a pot pharm in Mendocino County. Who else wears a gun to go water the garden? A 19th Century homesteader, or a Generation X grower. The more things change the more they stay the same, as Plato observed.

Off the Record (May 10, 2017)

THE GIANTS could use this kid. Ukiah High School's Karter Koch pitched a perfect game against Rancho Cotati last week. Koch threw a total of 80 pitches — in seven innings, mowing down 21 consecutive hitters, striking out seven at Ukiah's Anton Stadium on a recent Friday night. When he isn't pitching, Koch is at shortstop for the Wildcats.

Painful Truths At Coast Hospital

At an April 25th Finance Committee meeting, Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) Chief Financial Officer Wade Sturgeon and Chief Executive Officer Bob Edwards introduced a proposed budget for the 2017/2018 fiscal year that will be…
