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Posts tagged as “region”

Promo Scam-A-Rama

MENDOCINO COUNTY’S hydra-headed Promotional Alliance reports that they’re doing a great job and would promote the heck out of the county if they got more money. THE AMORPHOUS GROUP of interchangeable wine business personnel, lodging…

Code Compliance

A brief history of Building and Planning Codes in Mendocino County, as presented to the Coastal Mendocino Association of Realtors on May 26, 2017

Mendo Jumps Into Bed With The Pot Industry

Mendo’s Final Budget for 2017-2018 (July 2017-June 2018) assumes they’ll get something like $1.7 million in pot taxes and permit fees. According to the anonymous budget notes, “The new discretionary source [of revenue] is the…

Talkin’ Smack On Facebook

Stephen Howard was held to answer on a felony charge of criminal threats last week. The criminal threats charge was Count One — that one held up (like a house of cards). Count Two, stalking,…

Off the Record (June 7, 2017)

WILLITS WEEKLY REPORTER Mike A’Dair picked up an interesting tidbit from the May 16 Board of Supervisors meeting which helps to explain Mendo’s housing shortage, particularly rentals. A’DAIR reported that the Supervisors discussed a proposed…

Coast Hospital: Questions Remain

Try to find the office of Mendocino Coast District Hospital's (MCDH) Chief Executive Officer, Bob Edwards. If you don't work there, and possibly if you do, it is a hard place to locate, tucked away…

Times Are Changing

At our Laytonville Water District meeting last week, the Board voted unanimously to send a letter to the California Coastal Commission recommending that it approve a grant request from the Eel River Recovery Project (ERRP).…

Evil Deeds

Strohmeier’s car lot on North State Street had eleven cars vandalized the night of April 27th, and as Deputy Gregory Clegg was coming down North State Street from Redwood Valley to investigate the damage he passed Jared Kidd at Hensley Creek Road. Kidd is a “frequent flyer” in the Sheriff’s Booking Log, and well known to law enforcement.

SoCo Piles On The Pot Rules

Brian Elliott’s small, tidy Santa Rosa office is filled with mementos of his long life in public service. Perhaps most striking is the large fire chief’s helmet that he wore for decades. Indeed, no one…
