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Posts tagged as “region”

Who Needs Supervisors?

Several “retroactive” Consent Calendar Items are on next Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors agenda. The Board of Supervisors (lead Supervisor John McCowen) have complained several times about retroactive contract add-ons — after all they basically send…

Home Invasion Season Opens Early, Or…

Rural sharpies could easily lure young city dudes to Mendoland using a cache of last year’s unsold marijuana as bait, pull out a gun at the right moment (say, when the buyer complains about the freshness of the product), get the drop on the city boys, take their money then sic the police on the suckas by calling 911 and yelling, “We were just robbed by home invaders.”

Off the Record (Sep. 12, 2018)


(Because they make a lot of money providing invisible and/or failed services and never have to account for how many people "served" and how much money is spent "serving" them?)

Cat Lady Syndrome, Equine Division

“Are you from the newspaper?” “Uhmhumn, I am.” “Hello, I’m Anne Delaquadra.” “Nice to meet you.” “Are you with the Ukiah paper?” “No, the one in Boonville.” “Listen, you’ve got to hear my story.” “That’s…

Off the Record (Sep. 5, 2018)

THE BIG FIRES are just about extinguished but still no formal announcement of their causes. We are reliably informed that the reason for the largest, the Ranch Fire, is known and not arson. But the River Fire remains under investigation. If you came in real late, the Ranch Fire started on the Guntley ranch property off Highway 20 near the Potter Valley turnoff. The River Fire that began just off Highway 175 and burned east over the mountain darn near into Lakeport is still a mystery as to what ignited it.

Disaster Preparedness

During my early days in the Air Force one of my duties was Base Mobility Plans officer. It was a dull job that nobody would volunteer for. I got stuck with it because Colonel Taylor…

Hello Severity, Good-Bye Leniency

Mendo’s new Public Defender Jeffery Aaron has yet to make his debut at the courthouse in Ukiah, but the place has been running smoothly without him, and the District Attorney told us that he, David Eyster, had already met Mr. Aaron and thoroughly approved of the choice. 
