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Posts tagged as “region”

Court Notes

Marcus Caldwell pled guilty to forcible rape and three counts of penetration with a foreign object, along with one count of first degree burglary on the morning set for his jury trial, Tuesday, November 12th.…

Outta the Way, Hospitality Center

At three in the afternoon, November 14, at the Hospitality Center in Fort Bragg (former site of the Old Coast Hotel) a meeting was held on the topic of a winter shelter for the homeless.…

PUC to Investigate Power Shutoffs

You might say it’s better late than never, but the normally inert California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) finally took some positive action this Wednesday, Nov. 13, when they voted unanimously to order an investigation into…

Slouching Towards Affiliation

On Thursday, November 7 the Mendocino Coast Healthcare District (MCHD) Board of Directors (BOD) endured a three hour public meeting, preceded by a two hour closed session. The public meeting was then followed by 35…

Measure B Committee Goes Dark

After accomplishing absolutely nothing of substance at their latest Wednesday, October 23 meeting, Mendo’s Measure B Advisory Committee decided to cancel their November meeting, Thanksgiving and so forth. County CEO and Measure B Committee member…

Shell Shock & Carcinoma for Those Who Served

Michael Grunwald has been awaiting judgment and sentencing for several weeks. He has been scheduled several times for the procedure but each time more legal aspects of his case have to be looked into and…

Outage Notes

At 3pm Wednesday, October 23, the usual afternoon breezes off the Pacific began to ruffle
