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Posts tagged as “region”

The Noyo Center Gang

Out of power, booted from office and massively discredited by a $3 million dollar cash misallocation and a brazen cover-up, the old guard from ex-City Manager Linda Ruffing's discredited City Council showed up Monday night…

Tony Linegar Retires

Tony Linegar was hired as Mendo’s Assistant Ag Commissioner in 2001. He became Mendo’s Ag Commissioner in 2009 when long time Mendo Ag Commissioner Dave Bengston retired, and stayed until 2012 when he took a…

Measure V Enforcement Delayed Again

(Serfs kneel in fear at feet of Mendo's largest landowner) Mendocino County’s chief code enforcement officer, Trent Taylor, told the Supervisors last Tuesday that he had investigated Comptche resident Terry d’Selkie’s nuisance complaint about Mendocino…

Hospitality House Looks the Other Way

On September 5, 2019, the night manager at the Hospitality House, on North McPherson Street in Fort Bragg, heard what sounded like a dog crying in pain. Stepping outside to a dirt area alongside the…

Off the Record (February 12, 2020)

DURING PUBLIC EXPRESSION last Tuesday morning, John Sakowicz mentioned in passing that “little oversight is provided for the $20 million the County gives Redwood Community Services.” Sako’s primary subject, however, was the thuggish dismissal of…
