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Posts tagged as “region”

Where Are the CRTs?

Seven long years ago the Mendocino County Behavioral Health Advisory Board was called the Mental Health Board. At their October, 2013, meeting its members were concerned with a letter to the editor published throughout the…

Mendo Keeps On Digging

In case you were thinking there’s just no way this County could further screw up marijuana regulation, they somehow found a way to do it. At Tuesday’s, Oct. 13 meeting, the Board of Supervisors gave…

More Thoughtless Facility Spending

County To Finalize Best Western Motel Purchase. Item 5h on next Tuesday’s board agenda: “Discussion and Possible Action Including Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Real Property located at 555South Orchard Avenue, Ukiah, California…

Off the Record (October 21, 2020)

MAUREEN 'MO' MULHEREN probably knows that Mendolib is circulating all manner of secret slanders about her. That's what this county's active Democrats do best, and by active Democrats I mean the middle-of-the-road extremists who show…

Combatting Pot Violence

It came as no surprise on Tuesday, Oct. 6, when the Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a funding request by Sheriff Matt Kendall to obliterate a spike in violent pot robberies (I’ll have more on…

Fort Bragg Under Covid

First, the City Council downgraded the City’s Water Emergency from a Stage 2 to a Stage 1 Emergency on September 28, 2020. The primary difference is that Stage 1 water conservation measures target a 10%…
