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Posts tagged as “region”

County Agenda Notes

Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors Meeting was scheduled for September 12, 2023 at St. Anthony’s Church Parish Hall, 10700 Lansing St., Mendocino. Agenda Item 4i: “Discussion and Possible Action Including Direction to Staff Regarding an Increase…

Off the Record (September 13, 2023)

WELL HELL. Started last Thursday morning with a blaring security notice from Apple that locked up my computer. Had to call an 888 number where a barely coherent East Indian told me to do this,…

Valley People (September 13, 2023)

BOONVILLE FAIR SUNDAY COMMUNITY CHURCH SERVICE September 24th 2023, 8:30 AM  Apple Hall Auditorium, next to the Fair Office  Pastor Dave Kooyers from Country Bible Church will present;  ‘What did Jesus mean by “born again”?’…

Unfairly Maligned County Auditor Speaks Out

Chamise Cubbison, Mendocino County’s embattled chief accounting officer, typically shies from public posturing, choosing only to appear at Board of Supervisors meetings to formally defend her office’s functions. Cubbison, however, shed her public reticence over…

The End Of The Tale

The end of the Black Bart Trail Burglar’s tale came Monday morning, 8/21/2023, in Courtroom A of the Superior Court of Mendocino. Judge Keith Faulder approved a Mental Health Diversion, wherein Douglas James Stone, Jr.…

Supervisors Retain Advisory Boards

It’s a pleasure to let you know the Board of Supervisors at their Tuesday, August 29th meeting, voted unanimously to retain Municipal Advisory Councils (MACs) as an integral and vital part of the local governing…

Mendocino Tower

Grail Dawson, the designated male on the committee, spread his open hands inclusively, soothing, “None of us is interested in power,” giving Troy an opening. In 1979 a group of five activists, spoken for by…

Mendo’s Incompetency Crisis

SEIU Local 1021 President Julie Beardsley’s statement to the Board during Tuesday’s Public Expression to the Supervisors included a version of what we’ve been proposing for a several months:  “We understand that there are about…
