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Posts tagged as “local”

Occupy Hendy Woods 2.0

Agreeing that “reality has kicked in,” Kathy Bailey appeared before the Anderson Valley Community Services District's Budget Committee last Wednesday to discuss the looming closure of Hendy Woods State Park, Anderson Valley's premier tourist attraction.…

The Efficiency Audit That Wasn’t

“I think that for the most part we have a good product,” declared County CEO Carmel Angelo last week as she introduced the discussion of Sheriff Allman’s response to the “efficiency audit” of the Sheriff’s…

Fort Bragg’s Dominant Female

Last January, Fort Bragg residents were horrified at the spectacle of two young women, one with a chain, one with a hatchet, fighting gladiator-style at the intersection of Maple and Harold not far from the…

Valley People

THERE WAS A SCHOOL BOARD meeting last night but your beloved community newspaper, as per ancient custom, wasn't informed. We need 'em a week early Ms. Ivey. GREG KROUSE alerts those of us desirous of…

Off The Record

THE AVA SUFFERED a major fubar last week when at least faulty 300 papers were distributed. If you got one with duplicate pages, please call or e-mail us and we'll send you a replacement copy.…

Good Stuff, Bad Stuff

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. And what better place to start than with the startling news that has been reverberating around the Valley over the past few…

Q&A With 2nd District Candidate Norman Solomon

The 2012 election is shaping up to be of critical importance for the North Coast. If the political pundits and media talking heads are correct, 2012 will be yet another year of political gridlock and…

Valley People

THE EERILY unseasonable weather continues with cold, clear nights and warm, clear days as we nervously eye our water sources and wonder how long they can go without replenishment. MAYBE THE ODD weather is driving…
