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Posts tagged as “local”

Off The Record

DIRTGATE GETS DIRTIER. The Mendocino Transit Authority, aka Ghost Bus Inc., is building a kind of Taj bus barn and fancy offices for the agency's seldom seen boss, Bruce Richards. During construction, MTA arranged to…

KZYX Shuns Transparency

Overcast skies and cool temperatures were the order of the day as the Board of Directors for KZYX&Z met in the Abalone Room of the Little River Inn on March 12th. The question of having…

Farm To Farm

Sunday afternoon I contemplated doing something productive, but decided against. Carrot sprouts are slowly emerging in the sand that is still moist after recent rains. My teenaged son wanted to try fishing in one of…

The Copper Of Fish Rock Road

“I got sick to death of this five years ago. We live in the state that invented what the Internet is all about — Google, Apple, Cisco. Yet here we sit,” says Jim Moorehead, chair…

She Said, She Said

Richard Kruse was found guilty of child molestation last Tuesday night after nearly two years of his inevitable conviction. It’s been over four years since the victim who convicted him came forward, and 34 years,…

The Diaz Report

I would like to give thanks to everyone who supported me a situation I'm in, whether it be writing letters or articles, donating money, spreading the word of what is going on, whatever it may…

Valley People

ERIC TRIFILO, 41, of Boonville, driving alone, died some time between late Sunday night and early Monday morning when his vehicle unaccountably veered off Highway 128 near the junction of Elkhorn Road at mile marker…

In Pursuit Of Balance

When renowned sommelier Rajat Parr and celebrity wine child Jasmine Hirsch organize a new wave gathering of Pinot Noir in San Francisco’s Julia Morgan Ballroom, they will come. They being the wineries that froth to…

Off The Record

COUNTY GARBAGE CZAR MIKE SWEENEY, at their Tuesday meeting, will present the County Board of Supervisors with a Draft Environmental Impact Report in support of an ordinance banning “single use carryout” bags, i.e. plastic bags,…
