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Posts tagged as “local”

Off The Record

THE DA has charged Wilson L. Tubbs III, also known as Josh Tubbs, with child abuse resulting in death, according to spokesman Mike Geniella, a charge of murder. According to DA spokesman Mike Geniella, “…

Valley People

SO FAR, no one seems to know, but unless AV Unified is somehow more savvy than Willits Unified, which I doubt, we've probably been big time scammed on the bond deal we floated to get…

River Views

Federal authorities arrested five Mendocino area residents last month, charging each with one count of conspiring to possess with intent to distribute drugs. This is part of a larger drug trafficking case involving the Bay…

Early Building & Planning (1977)

Not too long ago the Board of Supervisors made some rulings controlling building construction in the county. There had been building restrictions in the towns for a good many years. But as time went on…

The Plight Of The Beautiful Tree

The Kashia Pomo of northwestern Sonoma and southwestern Mendocino Counties refer to it as “Chishkale,” meaning “beautiful tree.” Northern California pioneers selected their name for it on an altogether more utilitarian basis: Its bark was…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. December birthdays include distinguished Valley folks such as — Bill Holcomb, Wilma Brink, Pete Benville, and Rick Rajeski — Many Happy Returns!…

Deer Hunting In Sherwood Valley

Many years ago I was hunting in the Sherwood Valley area with a friend from Fort Bragg. We started early in the morning and had trouble right away. We had a big terrier named Snooper…

Susan Keegan & The Central Park Five

The Central Park Five, the newly released Ken Burns documentary about five black and Hispanic teenagers railroaded through the New York City criminal justice system for a rape they did not commit, does not at…

The Goldeneye Diaries

Here I write outside of Boonville in a beautiful leather bound journal gifted by A.L. of Adelaide, Australia. The voluptuous Italian singer, who made my recent four months down under more delectable and a lot…
