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Posts tagged as “essays”

Anderson Valley Archetypes: George Zeni

This story owes a great deal to an article George’s Fish Rock neighbor Steve Alden wrote for the Mendocino Grapevine in July, 1984.  Steve’s recollections highlight much…

Getting Ready To Go

Like others or at least like oldie others, I had not purchased any new clothing, not even online in fifteen months. Living alone I wore…

Roy Lichtenstein

It might not be true that every family has one cool thing about it but at least I can say that my family does. Sixty-three…

Hemingway Almost Killed Me

The favorite books of one's youth can be dangerous stuff. One of the highest-risk authors for me turned out to be Ernest Hemingway. His writing…

Disaster Music

Mount Nyiragongo’s eruption and earthquake, and the aftershocks that continue to shake the Democratic Republic of Congo remind one that the Christian God of that…

Raised By (Laughing) Hyenas

Graduation season is everywhere, and be happy if you needn’t sit through yawn-inducing ceremonies celebrating the most recent students bumped from the educational assembly line.…

Dr. Wheeler’s Criminal Past

From his cell within the Mendocino County Jail, Dr. John Wheeler told Ukiah City Press editor A.O. Carpenter that he was innocent of any connection…

Manchin Family Values

“Ever since I’ve been in this position, and when I was governor, we made a point –we just didn’t get involved. It’s so convoluted, I…

Healing the Needy Knee

My parents had many droll and irreverent friends, among them their orthopedist, who declared (most likely after a few belts at one of their circa…

A Palestinian Sunset

Before I went to bed, Mommy told me tales of genies, demons, and magic. One story, relayed to her by an uncle in Lebanon, haunted…

Pebbles Trippet’s Oklahoma Roots

Albion's Pebbles Trippet  grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma. As our nation is now acknowledging, in 1921 the prosperous Black section of Tulsa, Greenwood, was utterly destroyed by…
