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Posts tagged as “essays”

American Tribalism & The Democratic Party

There are lines that have been drawn that reveal fascist tendencies on both sides of our governmental duopoly.  Loyal Democrats in our county believe that…

Letter To San Francisco

Dearest bitch by the bay, when a best friend John suggested we meet in your bosom to spend a few leisurely days, I thought of…

There’s Always Good News

It’s been one year since my book came out. I had joined a Hawaii writers’ group at the end of 2016 to get some inspiration…

Mendoland’s Oldest Mystery

Fifty years ago, there were ongoing clashes between rebellious longhaired youth and law enforcement. In Mendocino County, it would play out in peculiar fashion, resulting…

Sittin’ In Luxury’s Lap

Luxury is a relative concept and any particular person’s idea of it is directly associated with his or her personal circumstances, regardless of the common…

Pig Tales

“When pigs fly,” is a centuries old adynaton, insinuating the obvious impossibility of a statement. However, pigs have flown. The first pig to fly was…

Hardly Strictly Peace Movement

The Times' CIA correspondent David Sanger reported Oct. 7 that Gen. William Westmoreland had requested "tactical" nuclear weapons to be shipped to Vietnam in February,…

Jerry Philbrick

My curiosity finally got the best of me. After reading Comptche resident Jerry Philbrick’s almost weekly letters to the AVA I just had to meet…

The Airship Mystery of 1896-97

William Held and Dr. Case, of Ukiah, were riding northbound in a buggy on an early December evening, destination Centerville in the Potter Valley district.…
