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Posts tagged as “essays”

It Sucks To Be Duped

Journalists are drawn to their underappreciated profession for the same reason all artists are—by a compulsion that has to be wrestled to ground in long…

Cleaning Women

A group of international writers, all of whom were Spanish speakers, was invited to an academic conference recently held at New York University. During the…

Forty: Part 1

In T minus a few days, in the middle of the middle of the night, I will be forty years old. I know it's just…

A Hard Rain’s Already Fallen

Vallonia, Indiana, Labor Day, 2019 — "Do you believe in that there 'global warming’?" asked the lady whose husband dropped off a port-o-pottie at our…

Power Outages Loom

In response to Julie Beardsley — “Regarding potential power outages by PG&E: if it is 103 degrees outside, and the power goes off for extended…

Graham Greene in the Côte d’Azur

Spread out along the bay, Nice was an old fashioned city with a certain dilapidated look to it. It had become a kingdom of blue-haired…

The Triumphant Return of Mr. Hospitality

You can all breathe a sigh of relief— I'm not about to start belaboring the particulars of whatever it is I've been up to of…
