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Posts tagged as “essays”

Hints for Homer, the DIY Homebody

Hello, Homer! How ya been, buddy? Doin’ well, I hope. Now, I know that Simpson’s caricature has given you a bum rap, but I’m of…

Life on the Navarro

The air still cuts and the wind is ringing every tree leaf in The Valley, but before you know it, we will all be back…

Celebration of Change

Raving about Joe: What if grandad showed up at a rave? You’d probably be smart to dip out of the nearest exit and find your…

Slip-Sliding Away

During all the long years of my fulltime corporate employment I had a skewed view of the world. Not because of boardroom policies or existential…


In pre-Covid times a hungry American was on a tour of a monastery. A familiar smell from the kitchen drew him away from the rest…

The Navarro Saga: More Memories

Well, it's been a longer journey than I anticipated through my recollections and reminiscences warehouse 49 years of residence in Navarro has provided me. My…

Journal of the Plague Year (#21)

Berkeley, CA, August 10, 2020 – Isabel Wilkerson’s “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents” is an angry book. If you’re not angry after reading it,…
