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Posts tagged as “essays”

Chile at a Crossroads & Chileans on the Move

Election Day this November rightly occupies the minds and hearts of American citizens, no matter what their political affiliations. The future of the republic itself…

The Gaskill School

As one travels east from the town of Boonville on Highway 128 for about 17 miles at milemarker 46 there stands a little abandoned schoolhouse…

A Step Beyond ‘Banned Books Week’

Just in time and in the right place Banned Books Week is here, and let’s expand its scope to include the trend opposing free speech…

The White House

See George Will’s satirical video on “progressives” in America seeking changes in names of people and places because of the (newly-found) assault on their feelings,…

Liaison to the Pot Partisans

Over the Transom #1 (a sampler) Terence Hallinan's pro-marijuana perspective led some growers from outside the city to contact the DA's office seeking the green…

Deportation Nation

The United States is in an age of mass deportation. This may not be surprising, given how consistently President Trump has denigrated, demonized, and threatened…
