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Posts published in “Day: April 9, 2024

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday 4/9/24

Sunny | Cloud Show | Solar Eclipse | Blood Drive | Walking Group | Hypnosis Meeting | Peter Principle | Horses | Newman Chat | Earth Day | Eigenman Memorial | MCHCD | Burn Day | Philo Greetings | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Thirsty Ag | Many Jobs | Wolf Dogs | Hitchhiking | Lady Wepner | USA Money | Farleys | Gaza Flotilla | Glorious Victory | Caen Files | Just Tulips

Boeing’s Snowballing Problems

That recent incident with the door falling out of a Boeing passenger jet in flight was attributed to “missing bolts.” According to the NTSB the door had been removed to repair some rivets; after the…


MSA is short for “moving stuff around.” MSA goes way back in my family. I’ve been MSA-ing for 50 years because my annual income has never hit $30,000. An MSA-er moves stuff him or herself…
