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Posts published in “Day: April 3, 2024

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday 4/3/24

Cloudy | Duncan Creek | Last Edition | Skatepark Project | Viraporn Truck | Solomon's Seal | Juror Compliance | Noyo Harbor | Caspar Dump | Woodworking Exhibit | Special Place | Coast Cinemas | Wake Robin | Restored Mercury | Yesterday's Catch | Pleasant Afternoons | Reflected Sunlight | April Fools | Capricious Law | Wilt Parentage | Yellow Zone | Cajun Cats | Like Lazarus | Fusion Test | Journalism Denied | Supreme Footwear | Two-State Solution | Old Woman | War Over | Summer Music

Eyster Hires Outside Prosecutor In Cubbison Case

In a surprise move, Mendocino County District Attorney David Eyster has hired an outside prosecutor to oversee a felony case targeting suspended County Auditor-Treasurer Chamise…
