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Posts published in “Day: November 11, 2023

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Nov. 11, 2023

Mostly Sunny | Sunset | Body Found | Vet Benefit | Institutional Dysfunction | Little River Museum | Haschak Report | Leaf Art | Skatepark Radio | Moores Denied | Art's Apple | Mendo-Scene-o | AVUSD News | Calpella Bridges | Ukiah Construction | Feedstore Celebration | Unity Club | Buena Vista | Good Bones | Climate Event | Hooters | Ed Notes | Wood Done | Yesterday's Catch | Personal Nightmare | Hollow Chatter | Easily Distracted | Stoen/Trump/Jones | Cow Palace | Media Literacy | Mycue Poetry | Anarchist | Wrong Answers | Nice Sunrise | Freaky Times | Sky Low Low | Stuck Light | Understanding Hamas | Lemmings | Media Vetting | Goodbye | Tel Aviv | Bobbie Pissing | Get Ready | Mister Thatcher

A Whirlwind Weekend

Two weeks ago I was doing research on enjoyable things to do with my brother and sister-in-law because they were scheduled to visit. In the Oct. 25th issue of the AVA I wrote about “Visitors…

Escape From Southern Humboldt

Why is life so boring in Garberville these days, so boring I’ve been desperately trying to get out of town and drive to Mexico. It’s not just me, a lot of people are bored and…

Inventory: ‘GI Papers’

We are moving to a smaller house and I’m deciding what not to bring. A drawer in a file cabinet contains leaflets and newspapers from the Vietnam War era. These are destined for a library…
