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Posts published in “Day: November 8, 2023

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023

Sunny | Willits Hills | County Costs | County Reserves | Holcomb Birthday | New Brooms | Basketball Season | Floodgate Store | Cannabis Harvest | Studebaker Lark | Suspect Apprehended | Coincidence? | Outage Ruminations | Midday Cowboy | Ed Notes | 500 Years | Piano Concert | LAFCO Applications | Fragile | The Seafarer | Woodstove | Butt Shot | Shrubbery | Bulrusher | Gassing Up | Busting Scammers | Yesterday's Catch | Time Change | Warriors | Scorsese Movie | Star Wars | Cement Mixer | Dem Convention | Dem Victories | Elders | Narrative/Reality | Corruption/Aggression | Didn't Matter | Powerwash | Stop Whining | Corveteers | US/Israel | Journalism 101 | Vengeful Pathologies | Frisking | Ukraine | Gluten | In China | Barns & Houses

‘Our Concern Is Public Safety’

The Ukiah City Council voted unanimously Wednesday afternoon to approve a resolution ordering the owner of the Palace Hotel to take significant action within the…
