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Posts published in “Day: October 30, 2023

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Oct. 30, 2023

Brooktrails Deer | Dry & Mild | Volleyball Champs | Got Cleats? | Grange Events | Gualala River | Beardsley Clarifies | Al's Room | Brown Endorsement | Soaring | Ed Notes | Locals Night | Hazel Helm | Yesterday's Catch | Ocean Rescue | Noyo Sunset | Wahoo Divorce | 101 Burger | Niner Loss | Social Blunder | Pecker Hyoid | Zebra Wash | Carolina Twilight | Pumpkin Nightmare | Shooter Warnings | Assault Weapons | Primo Carnera | Just Solution | Wall Art | Campus Protests | Telemarketing Ambush | Ukraine | Wacky Humor | Census Taking | Floral Art | Good Deed | James Wright | Socialist Geese | Pissed Off | Sad Surprise | Devil Time | Ultimate Circle

Flushing The ‘Community Input’ Myth

We’re getting a good hard lesson in state politics as a new county courthouse is rammed down our throats by forces no one can name.…

Late For San Pedro

Bumpy Ride, late landing at LAX. Stateside pilots talk about “a little rough air.” In Mexico, they’re more honest and refer to una zona de…
