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Posts published in “Day: September 28, 2023

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Sept. 28, 2023

Sunny Day | Sea Cave | Skatepark Fundraiser | Fugitive Caught | School Septic | County Notes | Dilapidated | Ed Notes | Sheep Dog | Thy Neighbors | Boonquizless | Queer Rental | Barbaric Violence | Author Event | Axman | Firesafe Agenda | Brooktrails Deli | Fair Tragedies | Like Jail | Yesterday's Catch | Risky State | Bullet Tunnel | U.S. Restaurant | Speaker Evidence | Shutdown Shenanigans | Ignorance | Fauci Diversions | JFK Forensics | Awkward Visit | Border Control | Peripatetic | Elder Maze | Ukraine | Vigilant Savior | Verse Sad | Brooks Robinson | Easy Riders | Gonzo Flourishes | Senseless Odyssey | Beyond Comprehension | Clouds

Farewell To The Bewildered Pig

In early 2019 I was visiting Mendocino County frequently, looking for a new place to live after a twenty-year absence, during which time I lived…

Homeless Point In Time Count, An Exchange

Adam Gaska: I saw a post about the last Continuum of Care board meeting and the meeting packet. The post I saw was trumpeting how…

Our Times: Patent Medicine

J&J’s Bankruptcy Ploy Johnson & Johnson, deemed the “world’s most admired pharmaceutical company” by Fortune Magazine, has a net worth of $420 billion. In 2021,…
