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Posts published in “Day: July 12, 2023

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Sunny/Breezy | Westport Fog | Hog Fire | Boont Berry | Bomb Threat | Dos Rios | Bright Spots | Rosie Cleanup | Skyhawk Radio | Redding Alternate | BB Kevin | Medicinal Herbs | Junk Hauler | Sundstrom Selected | Ed Notes | Forest Club | Ornbaun Valley | Yesterday's Catch | Resting Comfortably | Old Age | Natural Cycle | Reality Numbers | Trans Pageant | Prehistoric Googling | Flag Burning | Try Again | Blob Quiver | Turn Prep | Ukraine | Analog World | Disband NATO | EV Food

Off the Record (July 12, 2023)

HEADLINE of the week from the Fort Bragg Advocate in January of ’97: “Workers OK Layoff Package.” Like they had a choice? The story is…

Valley People (July 12, 2023)

GOWAN’S GRAVENSTEIN APPLEWINE CIDER wins big at world’s largest cider competition — Philo’s Gowan’s Cider has racked up a fourth major title for its popular…
