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Posts published in June 2023

Valley People (June 8, 2023)

THE MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE at the Boonville Cemetery drew some 150 people, many of them veterans and their relatives, and a few who turned out…

Off the Record (June 8, 2023)

CORRECTION: Last week’s interesting page 12 article about “The Honorable Occupation of Tie Hacking” was missing the byline. It was written by local historian and…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Shower Chance | AV Scholarships | Deer | Old Watertower | Beacon Light | No COLA | Laytonville Rodeo | County Dysfunction | Branscomb View | Ed Notes | Solstice Celebration | Museum History | Leaf | Nurse Midwife | Cruise Control | Rebuild Contracts | Yesterday's Catch | Remote Hell | Sonoma Exile | Alien Idiot | Roger Craig | Mitts | Clinton Role | Redenbacher End | Money Wins | Happy Hour | The Sixties | Waterfall Warning | Domestic Propaganda | Satanic Exorcism

Letters (June 7, 2023)

I am extremely concerned to hear that the Board of Supervisors is even considering changing the current Teeter Plan obligation, and submit this letter of opposition to that proposal…

The Retreat

Described in Agro World as “a sort of Esalen Institute for lady asskickers,” the mountainside retreat of the Sisterhood of Kunoichi Attentives stood on a…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Partly Cloudy | Little Buckeye | Grocery Outlet Approved | Linda Shaffer | Leaf | Teeter Obligation | Feline Hero | Monkeypox Advisory | Deer | PV Project | Poetry Celebration | Love Note | Ed Notes | Gjerde Talk | Museum Gardens | Roundhouse Kick | Bradley Case | Yesterday's Catch | Gooder | Sleep Well | Tally Man | Propagandists | Pelicans | Butterbean | Better Basketball | Crap Shoot | Young Sophia | Calamity | Ukraine | Real American | What's Next | Jesus Advice | Brother Cornel | Labor Leaders

Anderson Valley’s First Settlers

According to Indian tradition, Mendocino County was once a vast mesa, level and waterless in summer, but the coyote (their representative of power and energy)…
