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Posts published in June 2023

California Water Deficits

In California, when the issue is water, the ironies seem to string out in seamless succession. Bill Warne, the man who built the California Water Project, was in government service nearly all his life, and…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, June 19, 2023

Cool Day | Sunset Colors | Urgent Care | Cow | AVUSD News | Another Fiasco | Severns Protest | Recent History | Homeless Inc | Crap Elsewhere | County Biz | Speaking Up | Ed Notes | Laura Lammers | Yesterday's Catch | Colonel Kramer | Ominous Sign | Victims | Great Lesson | Thanks | Adventurous Boy | Rich People | Ukraine | Taunts | Arraignment Week | 1956 Women | Gershkovich Fate | Chicago Wall | Propaganda Works | Middle Aged

In Exile from Sonoma

I recently spent three days in the town of Sonoma, visiting friends and revisiting familiar places like Oak Hill Farm that I wrote about in Field Days, my book about farms, farmers and field workers.…

Remembering Wanda Tinasky

In the early 1980s, a faithful correspondent, Wanda Tinasky, who purported to be a literary bag lady who lived under bridges on the Mendocino Coast, turned out to be an erudite former San Francisco beatnik…

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, June 18, 2023

Cooling Trend | Willits Cows | Earthquake | Watershed Cleanup | Parlin Tables | Teacher Gordon | Civil Service | Vicious Bull | Mockstep Endorsement | Pet Valley | Benefit Concert | 1953 Ukiah | More Parties | Fern | Ed Notes | Noyo Boats | Sheriff Byrnes | Old Leaf | Braxton Bragg | Yesterday's Catch | Absolutely Nothing | Diminishing Chihuahuas | Dystopian Trends | Tres Gabachos | Marco Radio | Alcoholic Preferences | Gut Sense | Ukraine | Solar Gig | JFK & Che | Colonel Walken | Ellsberg Interview | Thatcherism Reeks

Our Times: Sticks & Seeds

The NY Times showed extreme contempt for readers June 6 with a front-page story hedded “US Officials Detect Signs of Kyiv’s Counteroffensive.” Why pretend that US officials aren’t involved in major strategic decisions?  Who do…

Unleashing The Zombies

Many of today’s social ills can be traced to, and laid at the doorstep of, well-meaning intellectual dwarves who were naive, smug and opinionated. In other words, the boomer generation. I know. I’m one. Things…
