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Posts published in “Day: March 28, 2022

Mendocino County Today: Monday, March 28, 2022

Showers | Halfway House | Peace Talk | Fatal Stabbing | Sand Stand | Traildoggle | Melody's Cookies | Ed Notes | Timekeeper's Cabin | Cuckoo Update | Marmon Truck | Huffman's Charade | Mediocrates | Drought Response | Yesterday's Catch | No Touching | Eastern Star | Protesting | Hypocrisy Carnival | Mathias Brinzing | Ukraine Trains | Climate City | Mental Health | Boycott List | Office Romance | US Imperialism | Syria Flag | Spiritual Flow | Logging Train | Disappeared

A Load of Bull

No, no. It’s not what you probably think. This is a story told by my father about an experience he had while he was in…

Gloomy Thoughts

Okay. Up front I will tell I am on a rant. By day’s end where there was a lot of gray but no substantial rain.…
