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Posts published in “Day: December 16, 2021

Jerry Philbrick Dies

JERRY PHILBRICK HAS DIED, passing away at his Comptche home in his sleep. A native son of Mendocino County, Jerry Philbrick was a logger and rancher, and among the most vivid personalities in this area.…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Dec. 16, 2021

Cold Clear | 6 Cases | 3 Deaths | Jackson Demo | Responder Awards | Sunset | Senior Benefit | Caspar Mill | Navarro Mean | Matsutakes | Broken Tester | Offspring Pizza | Cemetery Restoration | Boom Staff | Consolidation Ahead | Troubadour | Ed Notes | Rockport Bridge | Skunk On | Elk Singalong | Swim Free | Not Patriots | Kevorked | Meth Stop | Health Zoom | Holy Roller | Housing Report | Yesterday's Catch | Vaccine Effectiveness | Depraved Culture | Nuke Insanity | Musk Rat | Not Califf | Common Good | Abyss Gazing | Meadows Malarkey | Barnum Poster | Sites Reservoir | Whatever | Couch Potato | Patriot Portraits

County Notes (December 16, 2021)

Supes Powerless To Slow PG&E’s Coastal Parks Logging Permits — All Mendo is left with is a lot of “hope.” THIS CONSENT AGENDA ITEM for Tuesday’s meeting alarmed a lot of locals concerned about PG&E…

Letters (December 16, 2021)

One of the memories of Christmas time from my childhood that the holidays always bring to mind is the year my Dad overdosed on Vicodin while driving my sister and I somewhere on Christmas Eve....
