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Posts published in “Day: July 1, 2020

Letters (July 1, 2020)

I can’t believe the letters to the Ukiah Daily Journal editor squawking to stop Tom Hine from writing his column in the Journal. Personally, of all of the local writers of columns, the only two I ever read are Tom Hine and Jim Shields

Too Many Health Orders

We received four separate press releases from the County last Friday regarding the Covid-19 situation.  The first one we have posted on our website as…

Hotel Mendocino

I didn’t know it would be the last mask-less day. I took the only remaining chair at the bar

Inside the SF DA’s Office

Memo to Kayo upon his return from a one-week vacation, August 13, 2000. The first item concerns an event in Los Angeles organized by Arianna…

Quite an Evening in Little Fort Bragg

As American cities burn and monuments to Jefferson, Washington and Roosevelt fall from their pedestals, as police are assassinated and books are burned by the…

Tinker, Trader, Piano Tuner (Part 2)

See last week's piece for details from the dry summer of 1900 that led to jeweler, horse trader, and piano tuner J.E. King's killing of…
