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Posts published in “Day: May 20, 2020

Letters (May 20, 2020)

Can anyone tell me just when MSNBC became the media outlet of the DNC? It is a very remarkable, if unremarked, event.

Shemia, Yuki Warrior

Shemia, a Yuki warrior, died in February, 1885. He was probably in his forties or early fifties at the time of his demise. His death…

Fort Bragg Pulls Together

With about a million and a half dollars worth of spending cuts made from its $3.3 million general fund budget — mostly layoffs, furloughs, early…

The Knife Fight

I directed the actor Slim Pickens in a TV spot for the Forest Service one time. He was an actual cowboy in his early years…

Rope-a-Doping the Army

There is an unsung hero in the Presidio mutiny saga — an honest journalist named Barry Farrell — and an unremarked turning point. In February…

County Notes (May 20, 2020)

At their Tuesday Board of Supervisors meeting Supervisor John McCowen noted that the Shelter in Place was taking a significant toll on local small businesses

Covid Testing in Ukiah

Free Covid-19 surveillance testing at Mendocino College, May 21 & 22, until tests run out

Basket Case

I’ve always thought basketball the most American of sports. Baseball purports to be the “national pastime,” but it is similar to English cricket, indeed, likely…
