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Posts published in September 2019

MCT: Sunday, September 8, 2019

AVFD Henthorne;
Kelseyville Fire;
Shutoff Legislation;
Humco Underwater;
Comptche Arts;
Census Workers;
Unjust Occupation;
Agenda Items;
Yesterday's Catch;
Las Pulgas;
Your Sign;
Border Angels;
Library Events;
Autumn Colors;
Generator Alternative;
Firesafe Fundraiser;
Dem Differences;
Marcel Proust;
Expanding Base;
Channeled Scabland;
Naval Cats;
9/11 Attacks;
100 Years;
Planting Trees;
Found Object

MCDH Public Meetings

[Oct 7-24] The Mendocino Coast District Hospital is holding several town hall meetings to discuss possible affiliation. Here are the dates and times: 10/7, 6…

MCT: Saturday, September 7, 2019

Cooler Temps;
Sharkey Show;
Abductor Abducted;
Eradication Suppression;
Outage Protocol;
Ed Notes;
Dog Schedule;
Broken Hyoids;
No Tomorrow;
Easy Reach;
Elitist Obsession;
Art Connoisseur;
Yesterday's Catch;
Unsettled Weather;
Concentration Barbie;
Foreign Policies;
Bottled Water;
Alaska Melting;
Climate Talk;
Fighting Windmills;
Economic Delusion;
Drug Habit;
Slot Machines;
Planning Agenda;
Media Hate

Elderhome Tour

[Oct 6] The Tour of "Cottage One" at the AV Elder Home takes place Sunday, October 6, from 1 to 4 p.m.

MCT: Friday, September 6, 2019

Prayer Question;
Bostrom 1930s;
Cat Story;
Noyo Harbor;
Caltrans Replies;
Dog Days;
BOS Agenda;
Ed Notes;
Hero Appreciation;
Gualala Enhancements;
Fog Bank;
Open Studios;
B Diddle;
Slacky Ladies;
Jones Out;
Steinmetz Responds;
Yesterday's Catch;
Anemic Democrats;
Climate Strike;
Coast Cleanup;
Climate Action;
Save Forests;
Twitter Jokes;
Forest Management;
Mexican MAGA;
Weird Death;
Hidin' Biden;
Joe No;
Found Object

Cannabis Forum

[Oct 5] An exciting upcoming Town Hall meeting focused on important topics related to Cannabis Economic Development in Mendocino County, and the launch of the…

MCT: Thursday, September 5, 2019

Trough Parade;
No Show;
Upper Eel;
Yorkville Market;
Big Bees;
AV Village;
Antique Shop;
Courthouse Pitch;
Flat Screens;
Worked Up;
LSD Album;
Plowshares Plans;
Irritating Gentleman;
Picnic Speakers;
Caltrans Meeting;
Yesterday's Catch;
Organized Workers;
Party Exploits;
Manila Streets;
Marty Cone;
Facing Reality;
Steampunk Merc;
The Spy;
Salmon Awareness;
Voter Registration;
Expert Analysis;
Danger Sun;
Found Object

Wildfire Book Party

[Oct 4] Last year, I put out a call for stories, photographs, and artwork for a project called the Mendo Fire Storybook. The book is…
