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Posts published in April 2019

MCT: Saturday, April 20, 2019

Hospital Shopping;
Jennifer Wolfman;
Easter Rabbit;
Purity Chemical;
Gang Forum;
Purdy Hall;
SMART Spiral;
Evidence Obtained;
Pill Disposal;
Homeless Compassion;
Yesterday's Catch;
Empire BS;
Notre Dame;
Bingo Night;
Failed Wars;
Contemptible Behavior;
Truth Fairy;
Retail Apocalypse;
Community Forums;
FB Survey;
Scops Owl;
Plant Sale;
Video Encouragement;
Cafe Grotesque;
PA Agenda;
Teaching Conditions;
Golden Mole;
Navy Meeting;
TSA Scorecard;
Old Acquaintance;
Grand Jury;
Marco Radio

Pollinator Gardening

[May 19] "Who’s Using My Garden?" a program by Katy Pye  What makes us change how we see the world? Often it’s the little things. Local author and photographer, Katy Pye, read about pollinator decline…

MCT: Friday, April 19, 2019

Mixed Weather;
Boontling Classic;
Yorkville Market;
Wildfire Forums;
Fiscal Rocks;
Hire Al;
Chihuahua Day;
B Resolve;
Common Dream;
Huff Chat;
Party Fealty;
Coyote Down;
1906 Earthquake;
Rick's Cafe;
Ed Notes;
Littletree Intrigue;
Chest Medals;
See Covelo;
Canada Goose;
Wage Negotiations;
Yesterday's Catch;
Rampant Dishonesty;
Crime Syndicate;
Rentier Legislators;
Gunboat Diplomacy;
Aldous Huxley;
Board Agendas;
DA View;
Mueller Report;
Happy Easter;
Gullible Saps;
Dear Mexico;
Curry Reflections

Ukiah Symphony

[May 18, 19] On Saturday, May 18 at 8 p.m. and Sunday, May 19 at 2 p.m., the Ukiah Symphony Orchestra presents "Roy Malan in Concert!" at the Mendocino College Center Theatre. This will be…

Cancer Walk & Paddle

[May 18] It's fun, it's family-friendly, it's outside, it's good for you, and it's for a GREAT cause! It's May 18.

Poetry Workshop

[May 18] On Saturday, May 18, from 1 to 3:30 p.m., Ukiah Poet Laureate Roberta Werdinger presents a workshop titled "Words for These Times" at the public room at the Grace Hudson Museum, 431 S.…

Frog Count

[May 18] Every year since 2015, the Eel River Recovery Project (ERRP) has joined Dr. Sarah Kupferberg to help count yellow-legged frog eggs on the South Fork Eel River at Benbow. Another count will take…
