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Posts published in February 2019

MCT: Sunday, February 17, 2019

Dry & Cold;
Tonto's Revenge;
Recommended Reading;
Pena Acquitted;
Police Reports;
Bogart Weather;
Yesterday's Catch;
Arctic Warming;
Young Activism;
Kaepernick Prevails;
Film Showing;
Shooting Checklist;
One Tree;
Farming Gig;
Bay Fog;
International Law;
Bridge Lights;
Eliza Continued;
Wall Explained;
Marco Radio

MCT: Saturday, February 16, 2019

Giovanni Demuri;
Book Sale;
Mendo Geology;
Ed Notes;
State Street;
Flow-Kana Investors;
Schwan's Suit;
Thanks MCDH;
Mendo Map;
Mountain Lions;
Silver Petols;
National Emergencies;
Library Renovation;
Yesterday's Catch;
Tired Claus;
Shooting Cycle;
Worms Turning;
Brexit Stamps;
Mass Squalor;
Minimum Wages;
Plants Thriving;
Salmon Discussion;
American Affair;
Public Broadcasting;
Bargain Tat;
Thanks Universe

E.B. White: “Death of a Pig”

“I just wanted to keep on raising a pig, full meal after full meal, spring into summer into fall.”

St. Patrick’s Celebration

[Mar 15] At the Yorkville Market: Corned Beef and Cabbage dinner with other fun Irish treats, Open Mic limericks, and Music by the Blarney Stones. Wear your green! Festivities begin @5:30. For more details, please…

Climate March

[Mar 15] Begins at Fort Bragg Town Hall at 11am. Part of the Global Climate Strike series of marches taking place on March 15.

Wildlife Film Fest

[Mar 15] Two Atlantic Coast films featured at Wildlife Film Fest Wildlife along the wildlands of coastal Ireland and New Jersey’s Delaware Bay will be the focus of the International Wildlife Film Festival Tour on…
