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Posts published in “Day: May 2, 2018

Voter Registration Event

[Jun 2] Get ready for the November 6, 2018 election by registering to vote at the Saturday, June 2nd Pay n' Take at the Gualala…

Letters (May 2, 2018)

There is nothing more precious to the look and feel of a town than open space. People don't come to an area to see shopping malls and dented canned goods stores. They want the solace and beauty of open spaces. So many of our visitors come from crowded, ugly strip mall infested towns and cities.

Open Studios

[May 26-28] The 16th annual "Anderson Valley Open Studios Tour," and can it be 16 years already? An abundance of talent in the Anderson Valley, isn't…

Coast Hospital: Bad Investment

At the April 26th Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) Board of Directors meeting, the District's legal counsel was directed to draft a resolution that would…

Here It Comes

We have always loved our City Council. We know they are flawed but they have always been a big part of what makes life gracious…


Having just completed a well-deserved and long-deferred vacation, I am now questioning the wisdom and efficacy of that course of action, weighing the relief of…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Barrett v Niggardly;
Pet Adoptions;
Ed Notes;
Little Dog;
Polling Places;
Costco Jobs;
Hungry Bears;
Yesterday's Catch;
Dirty SF;
Stress Workshop;
Food Production;
Contamination Investigation;
May Day;
Tax Funded;
Rhodondendron Show;
Mom Card;
GOP De-Evolution;
DC Report

Willits Balks

Willits is not happy with the apparent attempt to rush a Psychiatric Health Facility into their small town.

Several officials from the city of Willits, along with a number Willits residents, complained to the Measure B Advisory Committee last Wednesday that it seemed like Willits was being left out of plans to convert the old Howard Hospital into a 16- or 32-bed Psychiatric Health Facility (PHF).

Valley People (May 2, 2018)

JUST OVER FIVE INCHES of rain fell on Yorkville during the month of April, raising their season total (thus far) to 32.72 inches. Comparing this…

Silver Convicted

The second week of the third trial for Caleb Silver ended in Silver’s conviction for the murder of Dennis Boardman. But the week started out…
