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Posts published in “Day: November 8, 2017

Mendocino County Today: Nov. 9, 2017

Uncounted Ballots;
Logo Hearing;
Keegan Maneuvers;
Medical MJ;
Press Conference;
Antonio Wanted;
Ed Notes;
Little Dog;
Quiz Night;
Fire Aftermath;
Ash Cleanup;
Yesterday's Catch;
Mass Killings;
Tiny LSD;
Smissen Comics;
Legal Bribery;
Impeaching Trump;
Uncle Sad;
Garbanzo Greetings

Strangers On A Train

We first spotted him when we came up the stairs to the second deck. He was hard to miss. We were still in the station…

Then & Now

A couple of months ago at a family dinner party, a high school sophomore from my son-in-law’s side of the family walked into the room,…

Letters (Nov. 8, 2017)

Sunday morning a man walked into a church in Texas and killed about 30 people and wounded maybe 25 more. It just shows how vulnerable the American people are and how they will continue to be vulnerable until they learn how to protect themselves.

Bird’s Eye View (Nov. 8, 2017)

I have been informed that The Buckhorn is making a slight change to their hours as winter approaches. They will now open on Monday and Wednesday at 4pm. Open on Saturdays and Sundays from 10am-midnight, serving weekend brunch each day from 10am-3pm. And Thursday and Friday at 11am (closed Tuesdays). Menu changes include new “yummy” desserts and an extended pizza menu.

Deregulation, PG&E, and the Fires

PG&E is now under investigation by state authorities trying to determine whether the electrical monopoly’s power lines played a role in igniting Northcoast wildfires that…

Fort Bragg Ad Hoc Committee Goes Dark

I showed up Friday afternoon at the Hostility Center (Old Coast Hotel) down on Franklin Street looking for a story. I wanted to ask what…

A Brief History Of Fire In The West

When I was a youngster in the late 1950s a series of thick foggy evenings meant my father would usually conclude supper with the comment,…

Disaster Assistance Deadline

[Dec 11] Survivors of the October 2017 wildfires have just a few days left to register with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for disaster…

Zombies In The Orchard

I was walking down the Talmage road one afternoon in late summer/early fall, about an hour before dusk, if memory serves. As I recall, the…
