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Posts published in June 2017

HumCo’s Pot Chaos

Today, more than six months after the deadline to apply, the Humboldt County Planning Department has received fewer than 200 completed cannabis cultivation permit applications from the entire county. That means that more than 2,000 permit…

Bird’s Eye View (June 14, 2017)

Disappointingly, but not surprisingly, the American media's default reaction to this last week's terror attack in London was to assume the British people were “reeling.” The word, which means “to lose one's balance and stagger…

Things To Come

As our politicos creep deeper into a legalistic wilderness hunting for phantoms of Russian collusion, nobody pays attention to the most dangerous force in American life: the unraveling financialization of the economy. Financialization is what…

Starving To Death In Fort Bragg

Lori Fiorentino was sentenced to three years in the California State Prison this morning, June 8th in Superior court by Judge Ann Moorman for the neglect of Arlene Potts who had by all indications been…

Letters (June 14, 2017)

In the June 7th article Promo Scam-A-Rama, Mark lumps the Arts Council in with Visit Mendocino and the lodging and wine organizations. I just want to say that the Arts Council gets very little of the promo money. The Get Arts In the Schools program is one of the things the Arts Council does. It helps local artists become eligible for small grants to teach what they do in the classroom. This money is not leaving the county for advertising but stays here to benefit local children and artists. Nobody is raking it in at the Arts Council, they only have a staff of two part time positions and there are never enough hours budgeted to cover the time they put in.

Off the Record (June 14, 2017)

FROM LAST WEDNESDAY’S Press Democrat: "The city is collecting data to understand just how much time police officers and firefighters spend responding to calls involving homelessness — and whether there are better ways to solve…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Rasta Weekend;
Dubs Win;
Humco Fail;
Juvenile Victims;
Illini Geniuses;
CPS Investigation;
Real Sarahs;
Cheese Workshop;
Marijuana Workshop;
Hop Flat;
Jail Writs;
1866 Greenwood;
Yesterday's Catch;
Unraveling Financialization;
Little Dog;
Kokopelli Boysenberries;
Albion School;
Performing Birds;
Grandiose Fantasies;
Craft Beer;
Old Socialists;
Cannabis Restoration;
Garage Sale;
PA Independence;
Still Heavy
