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Posts published in “Day: February 22, 2017

Off the Record (Feb. 22, 2017)

A COUPLE of weeks ago, Sheriff Allman got real mad at the Supervisors. The Sheriff wanted a rescue Snow Cat, a tractor, basically, to extract…

White Supremacy & Music Theory

For several years my grandparents lived in a small house on the same property on Bainbridge Island as my nuclear family—nuclear in more than one…

Valley People (Feb. 22, 2017)

A FACEBOOK POSTING on Graciela Torres’ employer’s facebook page said the following: “It is with a broken heart that we say goodbye to our beloved angel, Graciela Torres, VP of Luxury Maids, Inc. who passed on February 14, 2017.

Haiku Submission Deadline

[Mar 17] The ukiaHaiku Committee invites submissions for its 15th annual ukiaHaiku Festival. The postmark deadline for entries is Friday, March 17. Submission forms can be picked up at…
